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Soy Bean Processed Products / Productos Procesados de Soya

High protein feed ingredient used in animal nutrition including swine, poultry, aquaculture, and dariy / beef cattle.

whole pellets

Soyhulls Pellets / Pellets de cascarilla de soya

High fibre source by-product from soybean processing, used as supplement to forage diets. Pelletized to enhance handling and bulk density.


Soy Bean Meal / Pasta de Soya
RBD Soy Bean Oil / Aceite refinado de soya

Refined Bleached and Deodorized soybean oil with applications in food industry such as salad and cooking oil, shortenings, margarines, and mayonnaise.


Aminoplus / Proteína de sobrepaso

High performance bypass protein for dairy and beef cattle.

Debido al constante crecimiento del mercado, siempre estamos buscando expandir nuestra cartera de productos y clientes. Si tiene algún producto que pueda resultar de interés por favor no dude en contactarnos.

Due to growing market demands, we are always looking into expanding our product offer. If you have any products that could be of interest, please do not hesitate to contact us .